How to polish stones

Here, I will introduce how to polish the stone of myself (Teramachi store Ryuzen).
 This is just my polish, so it is not absolute. Therefore, we would appreciate it if you look at it for reference and use it as a material that you can devise yourself.

① Stone polishing is the first important thing when performing seal engraving. This is the work to make the stamp surface (the surface to be carved) flat before filling the stamp material.に く い It may be difficult to understand in the photo, but the left is Aodaishi before polishing and the right is Aodaishi after polishing.思 い I think it is easy to handle not only the stamp face but also the shape with roundness on the top as shown in the picture on the right.

② First, wax is often applied to the stone to protect the stamping material, so remove the wax with something that does not damage the stone, such as a stick or a board.も When engraving, it is better to remove the wax from the seal and then use the paper to make a chamfer.

(3) After the wax has been removed, polish it with water-resistant paper. 400 Prepare water resistant papers 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200 (← You do not need to use this far).切 り Cut into small pieces according to the size of the stone and fold it in half.

④ Prepare water and apply a small amount of water to the paper.付 け る Water is used to bond the paper to be cut and the paper.る と I think you can see the difference between the case with water and the case without water.

⑤ Polish the stamp face in order from 400 to 1200. Do not skip it as skipping the gap will change the final finish.し ょ う Polish evenly in all four directions. If you count the number and cut the same number in four directions, you can cut it relatively evenly.み It is more difficult to brush straight on a plane than you think. The trick is to "do not put effort" and to "hold the lower part of the stamping material" as much as possible.

ら After the stamp surface has been cut to some extent, then the top (upper) part of the stamp material should be polished and rounded. At this time, be careful not to accidentally round the seal (bottom).

変 え る When changing the number of waterproof paper, be sure to wash the stone once and then polish it. If you can polish from 400 to 1000 in order (if you do your best try polishing to 1200, it may not change so much). Take water and dry and polish with an abrasive (metal polish). The photo shows Amor, a polishing agent made in Germany. Abrasives and water-resistant paper are available at hardware stores and knife shops. Unfortunately, we do not sell in our shop.

つ け Apply a small amount of abrasive to a rag and polish. Don't overfit it. When it becomes shiny, it is completed. It's good or bad that it's too shiny, so I don't think you need 1200 if you use an abrasive. The cheap stones should now be quite fine.

However, I have experienced many times, but there are a lot of stones that cannot be cleaned even if polished. In some rare cases, the quality of the wax deteriorates. Not all, but those stones are often difficult to carve. . .
 The ease of engraving has a general tendency with stones, but it cannot be determined (it cannot be determined) without actually carving or polishing. However, the excitement of encountering a good stone (a stone that is easy to carve for yourself) is therefore all over.

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